Hey! Hey!! Hey!!!

Hey! Hey!! Hey!!! No! Wait a bit, what do you take me for? A doll that works according to commands? A servant that pretends to be satisfied at what is given? A driver that stops at his passenger's comfort zone? A baby that's controlled by his mum? A guy barbing in de saloon? A tailor that sew to his customer's taste? What did you reply? You said am neither bad nor good? Which should I go for?๐ค How do you define your bad? A thing that does no good or that possesses a negative solution? How about letting me understand ur definition of good too, won't it be cool? A thing that is considered perfect you said? Huh! That's a bit cool, I didn't say it's cool, like totally cus ya yet to justify ur insinuation of 'neither bad nor good'. Oh! You think I should pull you off de pit? Okay, yunno nothing is free anymore, cus of our dear country's economy phenomenon, so you gonna pay for it definitely you must! Yeah! I will help since it concer...