
Showing posts from 2020


MADAM SUNDAY As calm and gentle  As an innocent lamb Slowly accompanying its mother On an expedition to keeping Themselves healthy. It moves slowly and perfectly Exterminating the suffering days Signaling itโ€™s time to rest from  The bartering of the past days. As bright as the sun Perhaps because her name  Is accompanied by the sun Madam Sunday refreshes souls And enlightens us  the importance of her day. Madam Sunday certainly is A mother worthy of abundant praises Because she provides for us the most  Important day, full of joy and  Abundant blessings. The people marvels At the wonders of this day Having no excuse of praising Their creator this day And thereafter resting and  Rejoicing with one another. All thanks to Madam Sunday  For playing the role of a mother For  those with mothers already And the motherless altogether Helping us to recognize and Glorify the Lor...


            AM IN LOVE๐Ÿ’– Am in love, but there's something wrong somewhere, am unable to correct it n it's hard to be corrected though it needs to be corrected๐Ÿ’– Am deeply in love, emotionally broken, short of words, for the fear of breaking someone else's heart, but I hope de truth will surely emerge๐Ÿ’– Am lost totally, unable to think straight, am... am... Don't just get it But something has to be done soon To save us from this emotional trauma๐Ÿ’– So many, I can't tell, am so sorry  The right one caresses my chest Affectionately, in moon time and in Daylight, I dreamt of her, and wishes it were a reality. Only to hear Udo! Udo!! Udo!!! #kaai Yes mummy!!!๐Ÿ’– Love you mum๐Ÿ’–


                 BEAUTIFUL๐ŸŒˆ  A Rainbow is known  For its sparkling colours Seen everywhere, by Everyone in the universe Even praised by the Animals Its wraths are cleansed And purity is seen  In human faces Rejoicing for the saviour  Has shown Mercy Yeah! Because of the Beautiful creatures  He created and blessed With equipments Not weapons so to say But preparation for the Reality of the universe In which fate is undenied

Amazing pictures and videos



YOU'RE THE JOY OF MY LIFE You're the joy of my life You've made my day  Worth it taste, absolutely You've filled the air with love You're the joy of my life You've brightened the sky With your perfect beauty You've valued and cherished me You're the joy of my life You've crossed the oceans daily Whose might is feared universally You've glued me to your care You're the joy of my life You've forbade lies verily With cause so powerful and lively You've lured me to know you and me Thank You Jesus Christ Michael Eshiet Loves You More ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—


       FORGIVENESS FOREVER We should never be worried, so as not to provoke the God of David, and invoke the wrath of devil, to destroy our goodies, and bring forth disease. The world is approaching an end, we've surrendered and begged for your mercy, for our sins so dirty, our paths so nasty, second chance only is our wishes. An Omega not compared with the oracle, obedience not disobedience He commanded, His commandments are long forgotten, lies and hatred are seen chosen. Forgiveness we ask forever, to make our lives better, for the sufferings too bitter, day and night so narrow, breezes getting hotter, for Your fury has shown its fierceness, please only forgiveness we ask forever. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ Happy Sunday Friends Michael Eshiet ๐Ÿ’– u'll